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How Winter Impacts Your HVAC System


Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are essential for providing a comfortable living environment in your home. HVAC Systems automatically adjust the amount of airflow, ventilation, and temperature based on the owner’s preferred setup. The winter season makes your HVAC system work twice as hard. The following are some conditions that have an impact on your HVAC system during the winter season.

Rust and corrosion are major problems for all HVAC systems. As your HVAC system works to warm or cool your home, it creates temperature imbalances that lead to excess moisture. This moisture collects and condenses which leads to rust. Annual inspections and maintenance are your best defense in preventing surprise safety and performance problems associated with rust and corrosion.

Heat pump malfunctioning

Heat pumps are common in areas with mild winters, such as south Texas. For a heat pump to operate properly, the fan and coils must be free of frost. Under normal conditions, your heat pump periodically switches to air conditioning mode for a few minutes, which heats up the outdoor coils enough to melt any frost and light ice that has accumulated. If the unit is not defrosting, ice can build up in a hurry.

The coil fins of your HVAC unit are particularly delicate. As moisture condenses between them, the risk of ice developing increases and affects the unit’s ability to work properly. With an insufficient amount of heat absorbed from the air, the evaporator coil won’t warm up to an appropriate temperature and could lead to refrigerant-containing components freezing over.

One of the most important parts of a gas-powered furnace is the exhaust flue. The exhaust flue is used to help vent harmful gases such as carbon monoxide outside of your home. If the exhaust vent is clogged, the unit will not be able to vent these harmful gasses and will struggle to properly heat up your home. It will be imperative to locate the cause of the blockage and remove it.

Here are some effective ways to protect your HVAC system during the winter season:

  • Check your filter regularly.
  • For the heat pump, ensure the defrost cycle is working properly.
  • Have wind barrier equipment around your unit.
  • Check exterior vents

Most importantly, get a regular HVAC maintenance check from your trusted HVAC provider. Whether your HVAC issues are caused by snow, ice, or some other issue, we are happy to help keep you and your family warm this winter.

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